
Scrappy Friday - an Easter bag

 Recently I've been working my way through my colour fabric scrap boxes, organising, sorting and creating bags from different colours.  This week I decided to make an Easter coloured one:

All made from my scraps, and a few fabric yoyos I made a while ago

I added some pockets inside too..

Very spring like! (even if it is autumn in the tropics - I think it feels spring like with the humidity gone, the air feels a lot 'fresher')

What do you think?
I've only got one coloured box left to go! Come back next week to see what I made with my green scraps!!

And I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I love it; cute colors. I LOVE bags.:)


  2. Gorgeous bag Jill!! Love the bright cheery colours.
    The neat little pockets inside are fantastic!!

    Michelle :-)

  3. Sweet! I love pink and chocolate, and I'm surprised by how well all the other pastels go with them!

  4. All of your bags are so cool! Thanks for linking this up at H&H, sorry I'm a bit slow getting around to everyone!


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