
Christmas Damper with Guacamole

Challenge 11 in our 12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges is to make a healthy Christmas snack using ingredients you have in your house.

I chose to make super simple Damper (like scones) and added a fresh guacamole dip which complemented the dampers really well!

Damper Recipe
Damper has to be one of the easiest things to make ever. All you have to remember is 2 cups of Self Raising flour.  Then add whatever ingredients you want and mix to a dough using milk! Shape into rounds, flatten and bake at 200C (400F) for 20 minutes.

I made 2 different kinds for this challenge. One was fetta, sundried tomato, chopped friend onion and fresh herbs.

The other was fried onion, salami, cheddar cheese and fresh herbs.

Rather than just shape the damper into rounds, I rolled it out a little and cut it into shapes using Christmas Cookie cutters.

I cut mainly star and bell shapes!

They looked and smelled so nice when they came out of the oven!

The fresh guacamole - I just cut up and mixed avocado, tomato and spring onion and added a little lemon juice to stop the avocado from discolouring.

The damper and guacamole tasted SO good together!

A great healthy Christmas snack I will be making again for sure!

Have you ever made a healthy Christmas snack? Or do you have an idea for one?  Please do link up your Healthy Christmas Snacks to our linky party here.
The party will stay open until Christmas so there's plenty time to get cooking and be inspired too!


Each day a challenge will be set by means of a video and blog posts giving some suggested ideas and crafts. These posts will also contain a linky party for anyone and everyone who wants to join in to link up their projects - both past and present, that answer the challenge.  The linky party can be found on all our blogs and we'll  try and come up with different ideas and tutorials for the challenges too. So please do visit us all, and then share your ideas with us as well! We're looking forward to seeing how these challenge are met!

Ready, Steady....Let's Christmas Craft!

The 12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges is brought to you by

Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Vicky @ Vicky Myers Creations
Anna @ Tea and a Sewing Machine
Pam @ Threading My Way
Anne @ Domesblissity

Previous Challenges
Challenge 1 - Upcycle old clothes to Christmas Decoration
Challenge 2 - Make a Christmas Gift from a pair of old jeans
Challenge 3 - Make a fun Christmas snack - use what you've got
Challenge 4 - Make a Christmas Card from a cereal box
Challenge 5 - Make a Christmas Decoration from something in your shed
Challenge 6 - Use Fabric Scraps to make some Gift Wrapping
Challenge 7 - Use something from your garden to make a Christmas Decoration
Challenge 8 - Make Christmas Decorations from Chip Packets
Challenge 9 - Make something to wear for Christmas using what you have in your house
Challenge 10 - Make a stocking filler gift from Fabric Scraps
Challenge 11 - Make a Healthy Christmas Snack from foods you have in your house


  1. I think even non-cooking me could make this, Jill. I love avocado, so the guacamole looks yum! Great idea to make the damper in Christmas shapes, too.

    1. Yep - anyone could make these Pam - and they taste so good!
      I have to admit though, it was my younger daughter's idea to cut them into Christmas shapes!!

  2. I have never heard of these, Jill, but they look terrific (not to mention EASY). Thanks for the intro and recipe to something that I'll have to try out this holiday season.

    1. Thanks Rochelle! Do let me know how you go if you try them! They really are the easiest ever thing to make!

  3. Never heard of those but I think I have to try, would be perfect for evening snack or something extra for breakfast. But what's self-raising flour? Never heard of it. :D Even though the way you describe it, it sounds like I can use just usual flour with some baking powder as raising ingredient.

    1. Hi Elina

      Yes, plain flour with baking powder added is just the same as Self Raising flour here!

  4. Never heard of damper before but looks delicious and will give it a go, thanks for the recipe

  5. I love fried cheese in any form and love this little cute dampers should be even better (thanks for the new word in my English vocabulary!).

    1. You're welcome Nastenka! I do hope you try making these dampers - they are so easy and tasty!

  6. I've never heard of dampers before but scones I do know! (I'm SOOO English!) I love the festive shapes, I have to take something to the work Christmas lunch, this could be just the thing. Thanks #HandmadeMonday

    1. Oh yes Julia, perfect for a Christmas lunch party!

  7. Thanks Jessica - I just popped over and shared it now!

  8. Thanks Jessica - I just popped over and shared it now!

  9. This looks delicious and great now for the holidays. Thank you for sharing at Dishing it and Digging it link party.

  10. Jill, this snack looks fantastic! I like the different shape dampers you made. Thanks for sharing the how to on making the damper and guacamole dip.


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