
Crochet Dishcloths and a new page

I've been doing a little crochet practice lately - just straight lines, and made a couple of dishcloths.

Although they were both just to practise straight lines, I did them slightly differently, The yellow one I crocheted in just one of the top loops, but the red one I put my hook under both top loops for each stitch.  The result was a slightly different look and one softer yellow cloth and a rougher red one!

I was really happy with the yellow one. I just chained as many as looked wide enough for a dishcloth, then carried on adding rows until it was about square.

The red one however, I started to crochet one night after a couple of glasses of wine, and this happened!

I think my chain at the start was tighter than my subsequent rows!

Then when I continued it the next day, I managed to drop a couple of stitches here and there - so I have a kind of step at one corner and a couple of wiggly bits in other places!

Still - it's more like a square then my first attempt at a dishcloth last year - the smaller one on the right!

I'm really happy with my woolly dishcloths. They are just the right size and abrasive enough to clean my non-stick pans without scratching!

I might make another couple of these in different colours, since dishcloths do get used daily and I could do with a few spare!

A new page

Since I'm learning to crochet at the moment - I thought I'd create a crochet page for this blog to keep all my crochet posts and creations together and easy to find. I often want to look back and find which tutorial I used for something, or what it was that I learned from a project....and have subsequently forgotten!

So all my crochet learning and projects can now be found on my crochet page here.

If you are a crocheter - please do let me know if you have any recommended tutorials to try out or things to make as I continue my learning. I'm having fun learning this new skill and am willing to give anything a go!

I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons and direct links can be found on my linky party page.


  1. I was gifted a couple of these. I have to tell you that they are the best dishcloths I have ever used. They catch every crumb on the counters. While they might be a good piece to practice on, they will be a great addition to your kitchen!

    1. Thanks Cindy! I'm already loving mine in the kitchen!!

  2. Great idea! I wouldn't worry about the wonky red one. After all, it's not like a dishcloth is normally hanging up. Mine are always crumpled up in the corner of the sink! :) Lisa

    1. Thanks Lisa. They are a great thing to practice on - useful to have when I've finished and a great way to see where I'm going wrong and to practise and improve!

  3. Your stitches look great for a beginner! When I first learned, my beginning chains were so tight that I had to go up a hook size to start a project. Tight tension is still an issue for me.
    I like to start with foundation stitches so I don't have that problem. (Basically, you pull through a loop once before continuing the regular stitch, then make the next stitch in that extra loop.) It can be tricky at first, but it's totally worth learning!

    1. Thanks Jenny - I've not heard of foundation stitches - will look into them! Thanks for the tip!

  4. I have never used crocheted dishcloths, such a great idea!!

    1. Thanks Katrin! As I said - its nice to be making something I can use as I practise my crochet!


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