
Sock Elephant - an Upcycle

Sock Elephant - an Upcycle

This week I'm using up the socks in my stash of clothes to be upcycled.  First I made a sock kitten, and now - an elephant!

I Googled sock elephants and found a few pictures to give me an idea of where to start. Having now made a few sock monkeys, a sock lion and a sock kitten, I'm getting a feel for where to cut and sew the socks to make cuddly creatures.

So here's some pictures of the making of this sock elephant.
I started with this groovy pair of socks my eldest daughter had grown out of; scissors, a needle and thread and some stuffing - and of course my trusty sewing machine.

I turned the socks inside out and sewed lines to outline the legs, head, trunk, arms, ears and tail. Then cut around them.

Once I had all the individual pieces...

I turned them all right sides out, and stuffed them.

Then hand-stitched them together and added buttons for eyes.

I then sat him on the table to wait for my daughter to come home from school and claim him!

He was loved on sight and named Oscar!

I'm quite pleased with him, but think he's more of an Indian Elephant rather than African with his small ears! Very cute! 

Do you know one thing I love about upcycling? 
I love seeing the transformation before and afters!

What do you think???

Have you ever upcycled any old clothes? If you have, or would like to, then do take a look to the long term linky of over 600 clothes upcycling projects!

And I still have more socks in my stash, so do come back again to see what else I make!


  1. Wow - love the elephant, Jill! It's inspiring, but I don't have any socks that are as interesting as yours... :-(

    1. Aw thanks Rochelle! They are so much fun to make, and my kids adore them. But I don't think you really need to have cute socks and in some ways I think these sock animals are better with plain coloured socks rather than patterned ones!

  2. OMG, he is so adorable. What a cutie.

  3. Can't wait to get started. Thank you


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