
A Granny Square Scarf - crochet learning

Crochet is Amazing!

The more I practise and learn to crochet, the more impressed I am at the process of turning single strands of wool into something complex using just a hook, scissors and needle.
I've been sewing for years and I love creating things with fabric and other materials and using my sewing machine to do it. However, the simplicity of the materials and process for crochet is something special. 

I love the fact that it can be done anywhere, no need for machines, or electricity.  I'm fascinated by the stories I see and read about crochet being used in third world countries to help lift people out of poverty by using the resources they have to create things using a simple crochet hook.

Even more amazing is the fact that something so simple can be used to create something incredibly complex. I'm not just talking about the amazing cute creatures and characters that people crochet - plenty of incredible images can be seen on my Pinterest crochet board. But around 20 years ago, it was found that a mathematical concept that was thought to be unable to be created as a 3D model, could be created through crochet!  
Crocheting Hyperbolic Planes like you find in coral reefs.

My crochet skills are still very basic, but I'm enjoying the process of learning a new skill and seeing a new method of creating things.

My latest crochet project

My latest learn to crochet project has involved practising making lots of Granny Squares. I didn't start out with any particular plan other than to practise, but ended up with a pretty cute scarf for my youngest to take on her upcoming school trip to the cold weather in Canberra.

My Granny Squares were less than perfect - varying in size a lot as I still haven't mastered an even tension when I crochet!

Still, with a little stretching they all managed to fit together as I joined them, albeit not perfectly!

I then added a simple double crochet edging in the bright pink colour chosen by my daughter.

Here you can see how wonky my squares are joined, but wool, just like fabric is very forgiving, so I managed to work around the dips and waves!

I added some pink tassles on either end and it was all done!

My daughter is very happy with her new scarf and I'm very proud of my latest crochet creation!

This scarf took me a while to make, but it was good to practise the basics.  
I'm already looking forward to starting another crochet project. I want to do something different this time.
As always, any suggestions and recommendations of things to try are most welcome!


  1. Your crochet skills are coming along very nicely, Jill. That granny square scarf is very pretty!

  2. Hello Jill, I love your pretty scarf you made. You are learning really quickly how to crochet. Did you take professional lessons on how to crochet? Or did you learn on your own and teach yourself?
    Thanks for sharing this at our Cooking and Crafting with J & J.
    Enjoy the week.

    1. Thanks Julie. No lessons, just using youtube videos and online tutorials to learn. And plenty of practice too!

  3. This turned out so cute! :)

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for Crafts, Recipes, and Tips and Tricks:

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. Thanks Jessica - I'll pop over and share!


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