
Making Paper

Over the past few weeks at school, my younger daughter has been working on a sustainability project.
As part of her project she wanted to try making her own paper.

She found this tutorial for making paper without a blender
 ( I didn't want newspaper in my only food blender!).

She made a 'deckle' using an old picture frame and a piece of old security screen mesh I'd kept 
(I knew it would come in useful for something!).

Then after ripping up some newspaper and soaking it in water overnight, she spread it over the deckle, adding a couple of leaves and a flower for decoration!

Then followed the drying process, after letting some of the water drip through the mesh, she flipped her paper over onto some felt, then sandwiched it between another piece of felt before putting a heavy book on top to squeeze and flatten the paper some more.

Finally she let her paper dry under the ceiling fan overnight.

It turned out pretty well don't you think?

A few days later, she started a new batch - this time adding some glitter!

Then this paper was cut, punched and tied into a small notebook as a gift for a friend!

I think there might be some more paper making and experimentation going on these school holidays....which start this afternoon!

Have you ever made you own paper?
Do you have any tips, hints or suggestions? We'd love to hear them!


  1. I seem to recall having tried doing something like this in school, but that was so long ago...! Anyway, your daughter did a great job! Love how it makes a uniquely, personal gift that costs virtually nothing.

    1. Thanks Rochelle!
      Her friend liked the notebook so much she says she doesn't want to spoil it by using it!

  2. This is great! I love her little book. I just picked up a paper making kit at the second hand store just the other day and I can't wait to start creating things with it. I had the same thoughts about my blender so maybe I'll try this method.

    1. Thanks Tamara! We were so pleased with how it turned out! And if you soak it for 24hours+ and squish it with your hands it doesn't need a blender!
      Hope all's going well with you!


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