
Eco Friendly Shopping Bags

How many plastic bags do you use each week when you go shopping?

Would you like your own set of pretty, sturdy and reusable bags and little cost to you?

Then why not make your own? I've been using these bags for several years now. They are made from old sheets and are large, durable and super easy to wash if they do get anything spilled on them from split packets - so there's no need to wrap anything in more plastic before putting them in these bags!

After forgetting to take my nice, pretty, reusable bags into the shop a few times, I decided this was the next problem I needed to solve, and so made myself a pretty handbag with a nifty hidden pocket in the bottom to store these bags in, so that I will always have them with me and will never leave them in the car again!

I've made several of these bags for myself and family and friends.
And I've had a great response from others who have already purchased my e-book and made the bags: (thanks Wesens-Art)

You can make your very own Eco-friendly Shopping Handbag, complete with a full set of shopping bags - a handibag and some fruit and veg grocery bags. All you need is a basic sewing know-how, some time and some old bedding, a pair of old jeans and some co-ordinating fabric, which could also be old clothes, curtains or bedding!

My e-book with all of these patterns and tutorials is now available !

For a little more information and to purchase this ebook - go here.

I appreciate your support!


  1. That's a lovely and ingenious design! I really like the hidden compartment - brilliant! I hope you'll come share this at this coming week's Awesome Life Friday. :)


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