
DAY 100, Use What You've Got

100 days ago I decided to challenge myself to 100 days of action.  I wanted to 'use what I've got' - making use of the things I already have in the house - fabric, recipes games etc. I also worked on my blog to make use of all the resources I have developed here over the years and make them more accessible. I decided to post here on my blog every day for 100 days - and I did just that!

Here's some of what I've done and posted about over these past 100 days.

I did lots of Upcycling

School uniforms that have been waiting in my stash for a while, into teddy uniforms, fabric baskets and notebook covers.

Jeans and scrap fabric into 3 sizes of triangle pouches.

Shared some Recipes

Wrote 30 lessons in Blogging

Including posts about Google Adsense:

Copyright on a Creative Blog:

And using Google+

I shared more new sewing tutorials.

And also made use of the beautiful corner of the world we live in...

I've also completed the #100happydays challenge - taking a photo a day for the past 100 days to show something that made me happy each day. I posted these pictures on Instagram - then through that shared them on both Facebook and Twitter.

So was it a successful challenge?

Definitely a success for me!
I really found that having a challenge and a focus with a specific time helped me stay focussed and get things done.
 Looking back here I can see that I achieved a lot. 

There have been busy and quiet times over the past 100 days. Some times I've felt like I'm achieving lots but others have felt flat.  I  think it's important to remember there are both ups and downs and not to get too bogged down or disheartened by the 'bad days' ! Looking back over a longer time period helps you put things in perspective!

What's next?

My focus for the immediate future is my new e-book of patterns which is almost ready for release. This is something I've been working on for the past few months and I'm very proud of.  I'm now just adding the final touches and working out my launch plan. So watch this space for that!

I won't now be posting every day, although sometimes I might.  I've got so many projects and ideas to work through  - upcycles, tutorials, stash busters and lost more learning about blogging. 

The challenge to 

Use What You've Got 

is ongoing. I think most of us don't make the most of things we already have and instead look too much to getting something new all the time.  So this is going to be a constant theme for me in what I do and blog about.

I do so love a good challenge - and am already thinking on the next one to bring things into focus and keep me accountable!

What challenges have you set yourself?


  1. Jill I have enjoyed following your 100 day challenge... I have a mantra going round my head "use what you've got". Fab:) I'm not exactly short of crafting supplies ;) Thank you.

  2. Use what you have got- nice motto to live by. You have amazing upcycle tutorials. I am so happy that I found your blog.


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