
Covering a basket - Use What You've Got!

This week I'm preparing for a Halloween party at our swimming club. I'm organising the raffle and was looking for a way to present the prizes.

We have an old gift basket that is rather faded and old:

And looking through my fabric stash I found some scary fabric that I really don't know what else I would use it for!! a very unscientific way I laid the basket on the fabric...

to check the size!

Then roughly cut out shapes to cover the sides, base and inner.

And stitched it all into place!

It looks so much better now! Although I think I need to cover the handles too.

And here it is with some of the raffle prizes. 

Yes - already too much for the basket and more prize donations coming in too - so I may need to see what else I have on hand to hold prizes in!



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