
Use what you've got

Last month I had a couple of weeks where I had some kind of virus that left me feeling lethargic and energyless. I rested mostly, but did manage to put some of my time to good use by slowly sorting through and organising my crafting and sewing supplies.

I have so many bits and pieces squirrelled away for making things with - and I think it's time I stopped collecting things and started using them!

I have straps, cord, buttons, plastic kids toys, fabric yoyos, threads, old clothes......

I think it's going to be a long process - I have so much 'stuff' - and a huge amount of fabric too of course!

So this week I'm going to start with..

Free packets of mini coloured pencils and pens and mini notepads I picked up for just a few cents. Combine those with some old jeans..... let's see what I can come up with!

What kind of things do you have in your stash?


  1. Hi Jill I Have fabric, semi, precious stones, glass ware,big canvas, polymer clay, clips, barrettes. acrylic paint...Im using them slowly but steady creating, making to sell.

    1. Sounds like a big stash too Eileen! I'm hoping to sell some of what I make too - although a lot of things vanish when my kids see them - or their friends have birthdays!!

  2. Looks like you're hoarding everything, just like me!
    I really need to organize my stuff, so many odds and ends, waiting for Their Perfect Project ;)
    Hugs, sweetie

    1. Ha Ha - it's good to know there's plenty more hoarders out there! and lots of 'perfect projects' just waiting to be started!


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