
'New' upcycled jeans pocket hanger for phone charger

I saw this idea on Facebook the other day and just had to dip into my jeans stash to make myself some!

About a year ago, I made a holder for our phones when charging out of a plastic bottle and thought that was pretty neat!

We've been using that for a while now but I think ounew holders are even neater!

From this...

To this..

And of course one for my husband's phone too!

A super simple and useful upcycle.

What do you think?



  1. Jill, I think your jean version is a lot safer than the plastic bottle one! At least the phone can breathe in a jean pocket. I remember seeing the use of a baby shampoo bottle, and then subsequently the crafter added a note saying that it was dangerous as the plastic melted!

    1. Thanks Agy. I suppose enclosing your phone while charging could have potential problems no matter what you put it in if your phone does happen to spark or heat up. But then again, loose wires trailing on the floor are dangerous too.

  2. Superb! And looks really easy to do. Another great jean upcycle!

    1. Thanks Michelle! Yep - easiest upcycle yet I think!

  3. Hi Jill!
    This is super useful! My husband charges his phone frequently and that wire is always liying on the floor, you have to make sure you don't stumble upon it. Now I know what to do! Youc an actually use any fabrics which is thick enough to keep the phone. I had some jeans somewhere, need to check :) Thanks for an idea!

    1. Thank you Anna! Yes a great idea ( can't claim it as my own though) and a super easy no-sew upcycle too! Hope you find some jeans to make one!

  4. Clever! I <3 denim up-cycles and yours is great one! Pinned


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