
A bit of stitching!

Since I've been absent from the blog for a couple of weeks now, I thought I'd show a quick picture of something I've been sewing!

I had several kids to get Christmas presents for and post around the World. I like to make things for the kids so they always get something that you can't buy in the shops, but also light to post, as postage from Australia is very expensive!

This year, I made everyone a little keychain pouch with a personalised rag tag to go with it.

I had fun choosing the fabrics from my scrap boxes to go with the jeans denim; and I'm really pleased with how they turned out! 
I was so intent on finishing them, and getting them wrapped and in the right packages for the right families and countries, that I forgot to photo all of them.

So there you go - that's one thing I've been up to sewing-wise lately.

This week I have to make new roman blinds for my girls new bedrooms!  
I will share pictures when I'm finished those too!

Hope everyone is well, and managing to get in some Christmas sewing or crafting!!