
Shorts to Drawstring Bags Upcycle

Yesterday I worked on more of my clothing-to-be-upcycled stash.
A few weeks ago I posted about ways to upcycle shorts and was really surprised at the lack of projects I could find! So I thought shorts would be a good thing to tackle!

I had 3 old pairs of board shorts that don't really fit me that well and the seams have ripped a little:

First I took the blue and white pair, cut the panels of fabric into 4 even sizes and pulled out the drawstring from the waist:

The other two pairs of shorts did not fit so easily into 4 even rectangles. Each pair had a pocket on the side, 

so I cut the fabric a little bigger from these and used both pairs to make just one drawstring bag.

The drawstring from each pair was a different colour - but since each side of the bag is a different colour, I quite like the resulting effect of this.

The pocket pieces I used for the lining, so there are two pockets inside the bag:

So there you have it - two drawstring bags from 3 pairs of shorts!

Very simple to make, and a great way to upcycle those old shorts!

For more about upcycling shorts, you can go here.

To find ideas for upcycling other clothing items, 

Happy Upcycling!


  1. Hello Jill!
    Interesting idea, I just need a new drawstring bag for my son, I'll use one of his shorts and your tutorial. I'll let you know when ready.
    I'll be glad to be featured (as you wrote me on my blog) with my recycle: dress in 2 aprons!
    I usually link up with you, unfortunately I missed this week, but I'll come back!
    Best regards,

  2. HaHa... nice idea.... But i don't have kids to cut their shorts ;)

    1. Thanks! These were my own shorts I used. You can use any size shorts you like - they will just make different sized bags!

  3. Great idea, the finished bags look wonderful! xoxo

  4. That's clever!

  5. Really cool idea! We hope our readers tackle this project after following the link from in our Love 2 DIY on the Weekend post~ You were awesome to come to our Linky Party last week, hope to see you again!

  6. Jill you'll never stop to amaze me, what a good idea!! i love your NEW drawstring bag. Just beautiful and inspiring !Thank you !!!


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