
My Current Top 10 Motivational Quotes

1. “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”

- Zig Ziglar

I love this quote and do feel that it is absolutely true. That's why each day on my facebook page, I find and post a new motivational quote. It helps me start the day in the right frame of mind.

Over the past few weeks and months, a few quotes in particular have stood out and given me an extra push or inspiration. So here I've collected 10 of my favourites:

2. "Anyone can do something when they WANT to 

do it. Really successful people do things when they 

don’t want to do it."

-Dr. Phil

This is actually something I've learnt over the past year through

 completing a couple of different workout programmes on DVD. I

 committed to sticking to the schedule for several weeks, working 

out even on those days when my muscles were so sore I didn't think

I could - and on those days when I just couldn't be bothered.

 Learning to push myself when my mind and body said 'no' has 

shown me what can be achieved with dedication and commitment.

3. "Whenever you find whole world against you

 just turn around and lead the world."


Instead of feeling like you're going against the general flow and 

feeling pulled into the mainstream - ignore that pull and follow 

YOUR dream and do it YOUR way!

4. "If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot 

paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will 

be silenced."

-Vincent Van Gogh

Don't let anyone - particularly yourself, tell you that you can't - 


5. I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.

 I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been 

trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. 

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.

 And that is why I succeed. 

–Michael Jordan

It is normal to have failures, mistakes and to do things wrong - but 

learn from it and persist and you will get there in the end!

6. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get 

what you’ve always gotten.

 –Tony Robbins

I am constantly looking at what I'm doing, reviewing and adjusting. 

I haven't reached my goals yet, so I will continue to change and 

improve on what I'm doing until I get it right and find my own 


7. “Too many people are thinking the grass is

 greener on the other side of the fence, when they

ought to just water the grass they are standing on.”

- Amar Dave

I'm a big believer in 'using what you've got' and this includes your 

own situation and talents to achieve your greatest desires. Stop 

envying others and start Creating your own Success!

8. The person who says it cannot be done should

 not interrupt the person who is doing it. 

–Chinese Proverb

Don't listen to those who put down what you're doing - believe and

 persist and you will get there!

9. Build your own dreams, or someone else will

 hire you to build theirs. 

–Farrah Gray

So true - you have to know what your dreams are and hold onto 

that as your motivation!

10. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 

“I’m possible!” 

–Audrey Hepburn

You said it Audrey!


  1. All very good words to live by:@)

  2. I love this post! Especially number one.. I need motivation daily! Thanks for sharing!

    I would love for you to share this (and any other post!) at my Life of the Party link up. It just opened! Im going to poke around your blog a little more.

    1. Thanks Kelly and for the invite! I just went over and linked up a couple of projects!

  3. Great stuff! I also love the first one, a good reminder.

    1. Thanks Mich! Yes, the first is my absolute fav!

  4. Thanks for the daily dose of inspiration! I love love love a good quote to get me motivated!

    Melissa Kaylene

  5. I love all these quotes! I'll be co hosting Thriving on Thursdays with Domesblissity this week and would like to feature this post! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Thanks so much Marci! I'm glad you liked the post and flattered you chose it to be featured!

  6. Those are great Jill. Some I haven't heard before. As Marci (from Stone Cottage Adventures) says, I'll be featuring this at tomorrow's party as chosen by Marci. Thanks for linking up each week Jill. Its always great to see you.

    Anne xx

    1. Hi Anne

      Thanks so much!! Exciting to be featured! I'll be over to link up again soon!


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