
Upcycling Baby or Kids Clothes

One thing I really wish is that I'd discovered blogging and all the crafty inspiration there is out there when my girls were babies.  There are so many things I wish could have made for them, like busy books and toys.

But the biggest regret I have is that I didn't keep all those cute clothes they wore that had happy memories of things they did or places we went.

The idea of making a quilt from your child's old baby clothes is so precious! I would have loved to have done that, but instead we passed our girls clothes on to friends or charity shops.

Still - I can pass on the ideas now, so that new parents and grandparents out there can save those clothes and precious memories to make something more lasting and practical with!

So here are some ideas for upcycling baby clothes:

You could use them to make dolls clothes with,
like Vixenmade did here:

Extend the life of the clothes as your child grows, like 
 Wesens-Art did here:

There is always the bag, that can seemingly be made from almost any clothing item,
Freestyle Willy made one from a pair of kids pants:

Or a bag from another:

As I mentioned at the start - what I wish I'd heard of when I still had all those cute clothes was a quilt made from baby clothes.
You could keep the clothes and make one yourself, or there are people around who offer to make them for you.
For example - one I found is Jelly Bean Quilts
Do head on over there and take a look at some of the gorgeous quilts she has made for people from their baby's clothes!

For more baby and kids clothes upcycling ideas you can check out my Pinterest Board here

Other individual clothing items upcycling posts can be found here.

Happy Upcycling


  1. I'd have loved to have kept some of my kids' clothes and perhaps made them into a quilt, but sadly, I don't have any.

    1. You too hey? I'm starting to save my kids special clothes from now, so maybe a quilt when they're 18...


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