
Many creative uses for a single object

As I've been looking at creativity over these past few weeks I've found in several places the idea of brainstorming as many different uses for a single object as possible as a way to encourage and stimulate your creativity.

This made me think of something I did a couple of years ago.
I had several old silver windscreen shades that I kept because I just knew they would come in useful one day!  (we all have things like that in our cupboards, right?)

Well, I decided it was time to finally use these things - and so I came up with several different uses for them:

(the silver shade provided the insulated lining for these)

A little Space Jem!

And even a shiny clutch purse!

 I think I managed to find some good creative uses for these old windscreen shades - and used up most my stash - although I do still have some silver scraps left!

So - I thought that it was time to flex those creative muscles again with something else I've been collecting knowing I'll find a use for them one day!

Rice bags:

Last year I found these in our local supermarket.  Previously we'd only been able to buy rice there in large plastic bags, so when I saw these lovely cloth ones I changed to buying them straight away - more eco friendly to have a cloth bag rather than a plastic bag. Plus they have a sturdy zip and are re-usable......for something!

However - I'm now amassing quite a collection:
13 bags and another in the cupboard still with some rice in!

So - rather than just endlessly saving these bags - I think it's time to do something with them!

Putting it out here on the blog should push me to actually do something!  
By next Wednesday I want to have made at least one thing from these bags!  Come back then to find out what I've come up with!
Meanwhile - any and all suggestions and ideas are very welcome! Please do leave me some comments!

Update - to see what I made with these bags...go here.

What have you been saving that you need to get around to using - come on, I'll bet there's plenty other out there hoarding things - let's get creative!!


  1. Jill, love this post - this is my absolute favorite mental exercise! (Actually, I have something similar coming up later on my blog.) I can't wait to see what things you come up with for those beautiful bags.

    1. Thanks Michelle - I've got a few ideas, but have to wait a few days till I have some time....arrgh, must write them down so I don't forget! Looking forward to seeing what you're up to like this on your blog too!!!

  2. That's really clever!

  3. My cupboards are full of stuff like this. Only if I could put them all to use!!
    All the best with your projects.

    1. Thanks Tanya - I have lots of things like this too - maybe I should choose one pile at a time and try to use them all up! - I'll see how I go with the first one...

  4. A friend gave me two of these bags a couple of months ago so I cant wait to see what you come up with.

    1. Thanks Merry - I'm whipping up some things today and will post them in a couple of days!

  5. I use these rice bags for my picnic set. Plates in one, cups and plastic wine glasses in another and cutlery in a bag that I cut to size and restitched. It keeps the sand out and it's easy to find everything in my big picnic basket. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

    1. Great idea to use them for a picnic set Meg!

  6. I love doing things like this! A few ideas of the top of my head would be cloth napkins, herb filled eye bags (to keep in the freezer for a cool compress for fevers, burning, aching, puffy eyes), hot compresses, filled with dried kidney beans (to warm in microwave or oven), sprouting bags for growing your own wheat grass, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, etc. All things to save money & theplanet, lol.

    You can melt 1 part beeswax & 4 parts thin, food safe oil (peanut oil would be good for this)together & 'paint the bags with it. Allow them to dry & use in place of plastic sandwich bags.

    1. Some great suggestions there - thank you!!

  7. Love it, especially the pizza/pie box, brilliant hun!


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