
Colour block mug rug

This week for my mug rug quilting practice I followed a tutorial for a Scrappy Colour block Mug Rug from Sew Fantastic.

I'm quite pleased with the result - but I have to say it was a lot of work cutting out all the small pieces and putting them together.  I great way to use up some very small scraps though!

For the backing I used part of an old dress of my daughter's! A nice sparkly one!

For the binding - I followed a great detailed and clear tutorial from Contented.
I was really happy with how it was going and how neat it looked until I chose to ignore the part at the end that said to hand stitch the last side of the binding.  Being lazy, I machine stitched it, and missed a few bits I had to restitch!

Still - I think I'm getting better at those mitred corners!

And all these mug rugs are providing a good excuse for the odd cuppa with tasty snacks!!


  1. Ooh, the sparkly back really adds something!

    BTW, I am saving your crocheted monster post for a day when I can really concentrate...looking forward to it, though!

    1. Thank you Michelle! Hope you do enjoy the crochet video when you get time. I was so proud when my little girl sat and watched it and produced her very own monster!!

  2. I've seen lots of mug rugs but not made any. Yours looks fab and think I'll have a go!

    1. Thanks Alison! Watch out if you make a mug rug though - it's quite addictive, my collection is starting to grow quickly!! :)


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