
This week's mug rug

Since it's almost Easter - I thought that this week I'd make a mug rug in that theme!

So I found a lovely tutorial from The Split Stitch

It was nice and easy to follow - and included the downloadable template for the egg shape.

I chose scrap fabric from my yellowish box today - to fit with the Easter theme!
The fleece I used for the batting wasn't wide enough -but I just joined 2 pieces together - knowing how much quilting seems to squish those seams down so they aren't noticeable.
So here's what I started with...

After quilting the top and batting together - I then cut out the egg shape...

And stitched the layers right sides together to the backing.  
This mug rug was made without binding - just joining the two pieces together, turning out through a gap, then topstitching.

Although this was nice and easy (to avoid the tricky binding) - I don't think I like the end result quite as much.

Here it is compared to last week's mug (a bit like Humpty Dumpty sitting on the wall)

I like the thicker feel when the quilting stitching runs through all the layers!  But, I also really like my new little egg mug rug - and can see that binding that shape wouldn't be much fun!!

There is another mug rug tutorial that doesn't use binding, and is made slightly differently again - over at Razzle Dazzle Quilter.
Very cleverly - she turns the mug rug out through a hole in the backing, then hides the hole with matching fabric and fusible webbing!  Another great idea to avoid that binding!

But next week - I shall be looking for another mug rug tutorial with binding - I really need the practice!


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