
More Crochet Progress

This year I am learning to crochet together with my youngest daughter.
I've been practising but still haven't progressed to actually making anything yet!

I've learnt that for me the easiest colour to work with (of the random selection of wool I have) seems to be yellow!

In yellow - I seem to be able to see the loops and stitches much clearer than other colours!

I also learnt that counting those stitches is very important.

I found a nice simple Amigurumi tutorial, and thought I'd give it a go!
I wasn't always sure I was sticking my hook in the right loops, but it seemed to be going OK.
I also lost count....LOTS and ended up with a much larger circle than I should have had! At that stage I abandoned the tutorial not wanting to end up with a giant Amigurumi monster!

It did give me lots of practice and I think my crocheting is getting neater and a bit more even.

I'm going to have another try at another pattern later and concentrate on my counting! 
Maybe I'll manage to make a little monster if I get it right this time.

I'll be sure to share lots of pictures when I get there!

I'll be linking this post up with My Creative Space over at Kidspot.


  1. You'll get there! I still find amigurumi tricky as the stitches are so small. Maybe try your hand at making a beanie? I find them very easy to make and the stitches are bigger and easier to see.

  2. Crocheting is so hard I find, my mum has always tried to teach me but I just can't get the hang of it! yours is looking good though x

  3. I am so glad you wrote this!! I just picked up a crochet hook after more than 20 years...I am left handed and have just been getting the hang of chain stitching again. ha. I have yet to do anything else. I am trying to teach myself again how to do single and double stitches...very hard for us lefties. (Or maybe just for me?) ha. I would LOVE to see what you make and give me some inspiration that I can actually make something? I am thinking of a headband?

  4. Amigurumi monsters are cool, though! Love the first pic with yellow and purple.

  5. Jill, I have been crocheting since I was 8 or so, I made some hideous things at first, and it takes a while to get your stitches and tensions even, but truthfully the more you practice the easier it becomes! You are doing great and I applaud you for learning something new! Great job!

  6. You look like you're doing well! I have wanted to learn how to crochet for a long time... ONE DAY!

  7. You know what they say about practice? You will have a cute little monster in no time. Personally I find amigurmi a bit too hard and I have been crocheting for dare I say 30 years! You can't beat granny squares for learning how to crochet!

  8. Hi, Jill! So great to see someone learning new skills ;) Your amigurumi looks nice, but yea, seems like some stitches have been missed. You just need to mark the stitch every time you finish a round, and count the rows and stitches..counting is one of the main tips I guess when you crochet and knit:)
    Have a fab day and happy crocheting!

  9. It does take a little practice doesn't it, but i think what you have done looks great can't tell that your a beginner so keep up the good work

  10. The important thing is to practice a little every day, on the other hand, I discovered that depends on the kind of yarn I use, sometimes I can see the loops and stitches much clearer than others, your progress is excellent. I think the first thing is to focus on learning the points, then practice making granny squares, that's how I learned from the best teacher in the world, my grandmother!

  11. Keep going! You'll get there in the end. If you are interested I am having a wee giveaway on my blog for a Simply Crochet magazine written by the same people who do the sweet Mollie Makes one.

  12. Thanks so much everyone for all your lovely comments and support! I'm having fun learning this crochet stuff!!


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