
Learning to crochet

I have to say I've been very slack with my blogging over the Christmas break - spending lots of lovely time with family and just relaxing which has been fabulous!
I did originally have lots of plans for end of year reviews, tutorial round ups and then New Years goals and resolutions posts - but they just didn't happen and to be honest, it's been nice to step back for a couple of weeks and take this break.

However - I am now itching to get back into things and slowly finding time here and there to sneak back onto the blog and into my crafting, although I still have another week or so of family holiday to enjoy!

Just wanted to share something here - the above picture of 3 crochet hooks I bought yesterday.
I've never crocheted in my life - but have been so inspired by so many wonderful bloggers out there who do crochet the most amazing things!

My 2 daughters are also keen to learn along side me.  I've been showing them pictures of the adorable Amigurumi out there - and that is our ultimate aim - to be able to make some of those!

So, I've ordered a couple of beginner crochet books from the library, and we'll be checking out some you tube tutorials later today!

If anyone has any recommendations or tips for beginner crocheters, we'd love to hear them!

This is also part of a challenge I'm doing this year with my girls - to try something new each day in 2013.  That's right - 365 new experiences this year - anything and everything from eating new foods to trying new sports and visiting new places.  Great for us all to broaden our horizons and learn lots of new things!

So - Happy New Year to everyone - I hope your year has started well!
Do you have any plans or resolutions this year?


  1. Good luck with 365 new experiences, Jill. My Mum taught me how to make granny squares as a child. I still have the blanket that my sister and I made. I've totally forgotten how to do it, but it was very easy. Have fun with the girls learning a new skill.

    1. Thanks Pam! We've all enjoyed the start and I can't wait to move onto the next step tomorrow - although I think my youngest girl is already better than me!!

  2. Here is my tip: remember that people learn differently! My daughter taught herself to crochet this past Fall, but not from the "how to" book and kit I bought for her. She REALLY learned it visually - watching tutorial videos on Youtube! I still cannot get the hang of it, but that's probably because I haven't given it the time like she did. So, don't get frustrated and give up just because the books may not "teach you." Explore other methods of learning if the books don't do it for you.

    1. Thanks for that Janet! We've started with a you tube video - I'm very visual, so it's good for me - we'll see how we go, but I'll certainly try any other teaching ways I can find!

  3. has taken the time to put up so many crochet tutorials on youtube. I'm so excited you are learning to crochet! My mom taught me when I was 8. My 2 favorite things are crochet and sewing but why I love crocheting so much is because you can do it anywhere, the couch, outside, on the plane, on vacation whereas the sewing machine you are stuck in a room. Good Luck! I have many crochet items on my blog...just not tutorials.

    1. Thanks Delilah! Will check out the crochet info on your blog!

  4. Learning to crochet is stop of my 2013 to do list too!! Be sure to keep us updated on your progress (you might motivate me to actually follow through with my resolution!)

    1. Thanks ! Day one has been good - and my youngest has been practicing the whole rest of the day - so if her enthusiasm keeps up we'll be making lots of progress!! Will post our progress and hope you will join us in learning too!!

  5. hi, Jill!Happy New Year!
    That's great you are learning something new now:) Looking forward to your first crochet projects!

  6. That is my goal too this year! Having a daughter has inspired me to all the skull caps and crocheted flowers...Best of luck (I haven't even started yet!)

    1. Thanks so much - and good luck with your goal too! :)

  7. Great minds must think alike! I've been crocheting since I was 13 but never did anything with it before. Lately I've dusted off the old skills and am trying to expand them. I've been kind of in a "crocheting phase" as my hubs dubbed it! I can't wait to see some of your projects as you learn this awesome hobby. Stop by my blog-o and take a look at what I finished! ;-) Happy New Year to you friend!

    1. Thanks Amber! Just been over to your blog to check out your crocheting! Wonderful! Can't wait to learn more myself !

  8. I've just got my first crochet hook too. I'm waffling between focusing on crocheting or knitting though, and in the end with the new baby coming, the toddler to chase and too much sewing to do I'm not sure how far I'll get with it. I will be so interested in seeing your family's progress. I love that this is something you and your girls are doing together!

    1. Sounds like you've got plenty to keep you busy and lots you want to squeeze in too! Hope you do get a little time to yourself to craft too! Maybe when your kids are older they can share in your crafting too!

  9. Happy new year Jill!!! What a beautiful initiative! For me, the resolution this year is learn to knit, I also bought some books and I will use online resources that I can find.
    There are several videos on YouTube that explain how to crochet, I have a board on Pinterest with lots of ideas and links, this is the link if you're interested to visit

    1. Thanks so much for that Marisa! I've just been looking at your pinterest board and am following it now as you have lots of great resources and links there! Good luck with learning to knit! Look forward to seeing how you progress - I'll be posting our crocheting progress often!
      Here's to a very Happy New Year 2013!!

  10. good luck with the crochet. It's really easy once you master the basic stitches. I love the idea of a new thing every day, wish I had time!

    1. Thanks Wendy! I'm enjoying the beginnings of crochet and can't wait to learn more so I can make something!!

  11. Hi Jill. Thanks for your recent comment.

    So true (your comment about small businesses closing.It's such a shame that this atrocity is happening all over the country. Stores like this are the ones that WE support and want to support even more than the huge retailers and franchises. My videos are uploading now. I'm joining two (which takes lots of time, but worth it). As soon as it's done, I'm posting tonight. Got your latest endeavor (crocheting)--another one of my favorite crafts. Looking forward to your journey. :-)


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