
Reorganising my sewing desk - part two

This week I'm in the process of revamping and reorganising my sewing desk.

So far I've now finished some hanging pockets for the insides of the shelves:
I used pink fabric that I got a whole roll of from the charity shop for $10 a couple of years ago.  The fabric leaches pink everywhere when wet - so I only use it for things inside!
 that I shouldn't need to wash!
I also chose some pink netting for the pockets, so I could see what was in each one!
I've attached them to the edges of the cabinet with small hooks through the wood, and eyelets on the pockets.

I'm really pleased with how these turned out! A great improvement on what it was like before!

I also made a new cover for my overlocker (serger), as I was still using the flimsy plasticy one that came with it:

Much better now!

I've also added a few more hooks at the top of the top shelf for my next organisational project! 

Stay tuned for that!!


  1. Yay for organization!!!!! Very creative design, Jill.

    1. Thanks Rikka! I can't wait to finish the organisation now and start using it! So nice to sort out and rediscover all these interesting notions and bits and bobs I've collected to use...then forgotten as they've become buried under the mess!!

  2. Wow your hanging pockets look great!

  3. you've done a really great job on the pockets and serger cover! I really need to do myself a sewing machine cover! I've still got Nanas weird plasticy one from 1950!


  4. Yup, it looks great! will be very pleasant to work among such beautifully arranged stuff :)

  5. Looks so organised and reminds me that it is about time I had a tidy up. I always get inspired once my work area is clean but then it gets cluttered again way too quickly.

  6. you've been a busy little bee! those net pockets are a fab idea, looks great! :)sarah

  7. I love an organised craft area! Yours looks great and you have been very clever. Makes me want to do something to mine:) Cyndy

  8. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments!


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