
Blind Stitch Hemming

This week I've decided to explore the feet of my sewing machine and see what they can do!
Yesterday I posted about rolled hems and today I'm looking at Blind Stitch Hemming.

This means stitching a hem on something where you don't want the stitching to show through. It's not totally invisible, but all you see are small stitches at regular intervals, and if you get your thread colour close enough to the fabric, it's virtually invisible!

Great for things like curtains - where you don't look at the hems close up!

I generally hand-stitch a blind hem on my daughter's school dresses - but next time will definitely use my machine! So much easier and quicker!

Here's how:

My machine has this special foot for blind stitch hemming (and pin tucking - which I"ll post about another day!)

Here's the stitch you use (number 8)

And the stitch width and length settings:

First double turn your hem and press:

Then fold the hem back on itself like this, so just the bottom edge of the hem is sticking out:

Now put this under your fancy blind hemming foot, and lower the needle so it just touches the fabric on the folded edge:

Then adjust the dial so the sliding guide rests on the edge of the fold:

Then stitch your hem guiding the folded edge along the sliding guide.

Turn back the hem and press, and there you have one  (almost) invisible hem!

Does your machine do blind stitch hemming??
Have you ever used it?


  1. I really should do the same as you and try out all the feet that came with my machine, Jill, even if I don't have a rolled hem foot. I'd have trouble doing a blind hem with anything other than hand stitching, as I've done it that way for so long.. LOL!!! No excuse I know.

    1. Ha ha! I know it's hard to change your ways - there are lots of things I refuse to do the 'new' and probably easier way - but I've never liked hand stitching hems so this is one thing I'll gladly update!

  2. You actually don't need a special foot to do a blind hem. All you have to do is adjust your zigzag stitch width and length to where you want it and use that (folding the hem as you illustrated). I did that for years when I had a very limited range of stitches on my super old machine.

    1. Cool! Thanks for sharing that Nancy! I wouldn't have thought to try that, but it makes perfect sense!!

  3. My email is njones127 at tampabay dot rr dot com.


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