
Another clothes upcycling challenge

Last year in May I set myself a challenge to work my way through a pile of clothes I'd saved and upcycle them all in a month.  I achieved that goal and that month saw the start of the fabulous clothes upcycling linky which now has over 600 fabulous ideas linked up.

Now I need to set myself another challenge - as my stash of clothes to be upcycled has grown too large to be stored!

I have this selection:

Plus a bag of scraps from earlier upcycling projects:

A pile of jeans I scored dirt cheap from a charity shop a while back..

And a pile of scraps from earlier jeans projects!

I'm not going to attempt to get through all of those piles in just one month this time - I'm going to give myself a little more time and have it all finished by Christmas! so that's more or less 10 weeks!

And as one of my favourite motivational people Anthony Robbins  says - 

"..never leave the site of setting a goal 
without first taking some form of positive action toward its attainment.

So I took this dress and some blue fabric from my stash..

And made up one of my pencil and notebook folders.  

I like to have at least one of these made up in the cupboard for unexpected kids birthdays!!

So - do you have a collection of unwanted clothes that could be upcycled?  Do you want to join me in transforming them and clearing up some space before Christmas?

Do have a look at the clothes upcycling linky for some inspiration - I know I will be!
And I'll add any new projects I come up with in the coming weeks, and post about my progress with this challenge regularly!!

Wish me luck!!


  1. Hmmm... I have quite a stash of pre-loved clothes waiting to be refashioned. I did recently reorganise them, though, so I can find what I need quickly. The notebook folder is a great design!

    1. Thanks Pam! Good luck with your stash of clothes too!

  2. Stash of old clothing needing to be refashioned, me? Um, YES of course!!!! It's quite overwhelming in fact. I'm actually thinking of downsizing the pile first before I tackle any projects. Will this get done before Christmas? Likely not, sadly, as I'm up to my ears in other projects. Perhaps I could put that on the 2013 list of to-dos... Thanks for the inspiration Jill!

    Love that Anthony Robbins quote, by the way. Logical and pro-active!

    1. Thanks Michelle!
      Hopefully you'll get to your upcycling clothes in the new year! Unfortunately when you have kids who constantly grow out of their clothes the pile just keeps on getting bigger!!

  3. I am glad to know I'm not the only one who collects clothes to be upcycled, I have a huge pile of clothes to recycle, especially jeans. Your pencil and notebook folders is beautiful. To begin I think I will make one like yours, thanks for the tutorial.

    1. Thanks Marisa! If you do make a pencil and notebook folder - send me a picture and I'll proudly feature it on my blog!!

  4. I'm so impressed with what you're doing. I basically sell or donate what we no longer need, but you're inspiring me!

    1. Thanks Bella! I started out just upcycling those special clothes the kids loved and didn't want to part with - but it's quite addictive - now I save everything, just in case...

  5. Beautiful job! I used to have a huge pile of oversized shirts that I upcycled a few months ago. This is amazing though!

    1. Thanks Kristin! What did you do with your shirts? I'm going to have a search on your blog to see if you posted about them!

  6. I am feeling inspired to set a goal to work through my stash, too. I might be less ambitious and make it a New Year's resolution, though. Thanks for the nudge!


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