
Fabric origami box

I mentioned earlier this week that I'm experimenting with fabric origami.

Well yesterday I made this little box.  
To make the fabric stiff enough to fold and hold it's shape better, I used fusible webbing to stick two pieces of fabric together, then cut out a square using a paper template:

I then followed my origami instruction book, and used my iron to help keep the creases in the fabric:

Then I secured the final folds with a couple of handstitches!

I made a paper box and a fabric one to compare:

Quite neat!
And perfect for a little button storage..

Of course as soon as my girls came home from school they claimed the little box, and I'm sure they'll find all sorts of little trinkets to keep in it! 
I can see more of these being made - and more exploration of fabric origami!

Any suggestions of what to try next?


  1. Very cute idea! Maybe in felt? :-)

  2. Cute!! I have seen a few fabric origami on the net but I couldn't find any fabric here in India

  3. What a great idea. I have never seen fabric origami before.

  4. Another great idea, Jill! I think it would look cool with jean material too!

  5. Great idea! I am visiting form the Catch a Glimpse link up and wanted to stop by and say hi. I a a new follower. I blog over at I hope you will stop by and do the same. I also have a giveaway with a Circut Machine going on right now. I would Love it if you entered but you have to hurry it ends tomorrow! Hope you have a great day!


  6. Love this! Thank you for linking up on homework. I featured you today - come on by and grab a featured button!

  7. Thanks everyone! I like the idea of felt and denim (thanks Sesenarts and Agy!) I shall have to try those in future origami projects!!


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