
Cascading ruffles - midweek upcycle

This week I wanted to do something with this cute skirt which has been worn and worn by both of my daughters - a favourite with them both. Unfortunately it's a little worse for wear..

First I cut off the ripped part of the skirt.

And found some old t-shirt and tops that were also in my upcycling pile.

The bottom of the large t-shirt was around the right size to add to the bottom of the original skirt - using the bottom of the t-shirt as a ready made hem.

Then I followed a tutorial for cascading ruffles. Using the pattern template provided to cut ruffles from the remaining t-shirt material:

Then I attached the ruffles to the new base of the skirt as per the tutorial.

Then attached the new base of the skirt to the top part, replaced the elastic and voila..
A new cascading ruffle skirt!

I really like the look of the ruffles, but I think perhaps I added too many! It looks good, but they add a little too much weight to the skirt!

I love being able to test out new things with old clothes.  I really want to do more with these cascading ruffles - perhaps with some lighter fabric - and maybe something for me?

Have you tried cascading ruffles yet?


  1. It is very gypsy! I love it and even though it's a lot of ruffling, it looks so fun to wear (and twirl). Another great refashion!

  2. This sounds intriguing! Cant really work out how it's done but it sure looks cute :)

    1. Thanks MJ! I'll definitely be sewing more of these - I couldn't figure out how they were done - had to google a tutorial - but they're really simple - like a c shape sewn down one edge in a straight line!
      I'll show more pictures next time I do them!

  3. This is so lovely. I can imagine all the twist and fun the girls have wearing them!

    1. Thanks PC - yes - my girls love it already! I think I'll have to make another!

  4. It may be a little heavy, Jill, but it looks like it still has the all important twirl factor.

  5. I agree with Michelle L. and I love anything gypsy! Maybe I should try something similiar with what's left of the dress my dog chewed up this week!

    1. Ha Ha! Sounds like the perfect solution for a dog-chewed dress!

  6. Lovely ruffle skirt, looks very much gypsy

  7. One of the cutest upcycles I've seen! I think it is really pretty!


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