
Cap Hanger Tutorial

I've been meaning to make one of these for a while to organise the large collection of caps we have:

Years ago, someone gave us a rather nifty cap hanger, but over the years, the velcro has lost it's grip and the hanger itself has lost it's shape.
So I decided to make a new one:
You can see the old one in this picture - made from green and yellow felt.
I chose to use some firm upholstery fabric, with buckram (the white in the picture) to stiffen it.
I had some plain black stitch in velcro too.

Here's how:

First cut your materials:
You will need:
2 strips of main fabric 10 x 118cm (4 x 46.5")
1 strip buckram (optional) 10 x 118cm (4 x 46.5")
10 strips main fabric  5 x 16cm (2 x 6.25")
5 pieces stitch in velcro 2.5cm (1") 
Piece cord for hanging loop, 14cm (5.5") 

Now you need to stitch your velcro pieces to the small strips.
Stitch them onto half of the small strips like this:
Stitch around each piece of velcro twice for added strength!

Now take the remaining 5 strips of fabric the same size. Put them right sides together on top of the pieces with the velcro on, and stitch around all four sides, leaving a small gap to turn out when you're done.
Clip the corners and turn right sides out, pushing the corners out using scissors:

Then fold the edges in at the gap, and top-stitch all the way around.

So now you will have 5 pieces like this:

Now you need to place and stitch these to one of your main fabric strips.
Place them evenly along the strip and pin at the top of each one.
Also pin your loop of cord to the top of the strip.

Then stitch around the top velcro piece on each smaller strip to attach like this:

Now all you need to do to finish is attach the two long strips together, right sides together. If you're adding buckram or interfacing to stiffen, lay this under these two pieces.
Pin and stitch around all four edges, leaving a gap in the middle to turn out.

NOTE: if you add buckram or interfacing, it will be stiff to turn out, so leave a good sized gap - I left about a 40cm (15.75") gap.

Once you've stitched and turned right sides out, top stitch all the way round:

Then find a place to hang it up...

And add your caps. 
 I put two or three on each loop:

A great way to store those caps!
Wouldn't you like one?

For the downloadable PDF version of this tutorial, click here.

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Do go and take a look!


  1. I love this idea, we're not big cap wearers in our house (wrong shaped heads lol!) but this would be perfect for organising kids dress up hats without one whole wall resembling a Village People dressing room! Awesome tutorial thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks Ruby! You're right, they could be used for all sorts of things!

  2. Fantastic! I wonder if I could use this idea for a long horizontal version for necklaces. Great tute, Jill!

    1. Oh yes Michelle! It would be perfect for necklaces!

  3. Awesome holder! I totally need one of these---well really my husband does!

  4. Brilliant idea, I will definitely try this

  5. Great idea, Jill! Need to make one as my boys are always hanging their caps either on door knobs or on their bikes! :-)

    1. Ha Ha! Yes - it might help to have a special place for them to hang them!

  6. I could so use one of these handy hangers for our hats! Thanks for the tute Jill!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I actually need 3 or 4 of these hangers ! For some reason we have a ridiculous number of caps - and they seem to mysteriously multiply every now and then too!!

  7. That is a neat idea, Jill! I love anything that can help me be more organized!

  8. What a FABULOUS idea! I love me some organization and this is just perfect for hats. Great tutorial. Visiting from Rae Gun Ramblings. I wanted to invite you to my fashion linky party...we could always use more ideas for the men ;)

    Hope to see you there!

  9. ok question, you are showing in the picture having velcro on the long piece and then on both ends of the short ones. Why the velcro on the long piece?

    1. The velcro is only on either end of the short pieces - but you then attach those short pieces to the larger backing piece!

  10. Fantastic idea. Thankyou.

  11. Hi Jill

    Just made this cap holder. Turned out great. Thanks very much for the detailed instructions, made the job very easy!

    Cheers, Barb

    1. Thanks Barb - glad you found the tutorial useful and easy to follow!


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