
21 days to form a habit

What I've learnt this week??? I've learnt that..

I've had enough!

I am and have always been quite a messy person, but finally I've reached a point that I just HAVE to do something about it.

Having a messy house sets a bad example for my girls, and it doesn't help them be able to keep their own things tidy - or make it easy for them to help me cook when the kitchen bench is a mess!  It affects everything I do - a messy house makes for a messy mind and a messy life!

So, I've decided to take action.

 I've said before I'm a big fan of Anthony Robbins - and I do agree with his sentiment that you can change your life in an instant just by changing your mindset.  I have tried changing my mindset with regard to tidying, but I think I need a little help.

SO - here's my plan!

It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit.
So yesterday I tidied all the problem areas in my house, and took before and after photos.
Here they are:

My kitchen bench...

My bedroom table...

Our side buffet...

Our TV Cabinet

Each day for the next 21 days on my facebook page I'm going to post photos of what these four surfaces look like in my house.
I don't want to be posting messy photos again - so the idea is to take boringly tidy photos each day!

Then by the end of 21 days - being tidy in my house will be a habit that I will continue to keep!  I'm going to try to get my girls to join me too - in keeping their bedroom tidy too!

What good habit would you like to form?
Would you like to join me in posting something every day for the next 21 days to try to form that habit?
If you want to give this a try - leave a comment here and I'll make a note to come and check out your progress each day for the next 21! Let's see if we can motivate and support each other to improve !

Just do it!



  1. What a great idea! I've been trying since the new year to get more active. So for the last week I've taken a walk every day (or tried to) with the dog. It's not habit yet, but I find that if I miss a day I can feel it and am axious to get going again. I don't know how well I can document that, but thats what I'm trying to work on. Great job on tidying!

    1. Well - do you have a facebook page you could post this on? Or how about I pop over to your blog each day for the next 21 and ask if you've been for your walk yet???
      I know we all need help keeping accountable to these things - that's why I've put mine out there on my blog!!

  2. Proud of you Jill. Great idea. Funny thing I am starting tomorrow to do a 21 days of no sugar... so here we go.

    1. Good luck with the no sugar! You're a stronger woman than me to try that!! :)

  3. OKay! I am in! 21 days of starting to clean my craft room. I pledge to do some every day. Thanks for the motivation, Jill - you know, you are kind of an Anthony Robbins type yourself, but much, MUCH cuter and with fewer testicles.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I shall be checking up on you daily!
      I'm making a list of everyone who's joining in, so I can start my day checking up on you all!!!

      And thanks for comparing to to Mr Robbins!!! What a compliment!

  4. It's a good feeling to get things cleaned up. I, too, have been straightening out things. It's so much easier to sit and cruise Pinterest. :)

    Best wishes, Linda

    1. Thanks Linda! I agree, I could get lost in Pinterest......

  5. I think this is a great idea. Good luck hun
    I need to do this in my studio!!

  6. Cheering you on in your journey to tidy up !

  7. Great job! That looked like a big job to straighten up all of those areas. I know in our house, clutter is always a problem. To post photos every day will really create a lot of accountability. I hope your friends are on you if a day goes by without photos!

    This is just the type of mission people are undertaking regularly at a website I run called Our community (completely free and no advertising) keeps each other accountable, supports one another and generally helps one another to stay on track and focused. There are some interesting missions being undertaken right now, you might find it interesting since you're trying to change things as well.

    I'm rooting for you! I hope those photos are just as tidy in 21 days, 50 days and 350 days as they are today, and I agree that you're setting a great example for your girls by doing so.

  8. Thanks loopchange! I hope too that my friends will have a go at me if I miss a photo - but I'm not going to miss one!

    Great site you have and nice to see so many people trying to change and improve things in their lives - and having a support network to do so!

  9. Hi Jill, I love snooping at people's Before and After shots! You have been busy, well done! Tash

  10. Jill you've inspired me to be more organized. I am linking to your post from my latest post: Today I'm going to arrange and clean my house! No more excuses!!!


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