
Halloween lights from recycled cans!

I remember seeing this idea somewhere last year and liking it - so finally have got around to trying it myself

Candle holders from old food cans!

I washed out the old cans, removed the labels, then filled them with water and froze them
 (this helped stop the can from bending when I punched the holes in):

Then wedging the cans between a couple of bricks - I just used a hammer and a long screw to tap holes in the cans:

I tried to think 'Halloween' when making the holes!
Here's my ghostie...

And my pumpkin (which looks kind of apple like!)

Then I stood them in the sun to melt the ice.

They did admittedly look pretty ugly on the table when it was still light, but when it got dark - I popped a tealight candle in each one and lit them up!

Much prettier!

I've already recycled some old wine bottles as candle holders - and I'm loving the dripped wax down the sides.

As for the cans - I thought they looked ok for my first attempt - but I'd like to try them again and improve them.  Perhaps I could draw on a design first and then punch the holes?  And maybe paint the cans so they look prettier during the day?

What do you think? 
Have you recycled anything else as a candle holder?


  1. I have done this for Christmas before...painted each can white inside and green or red outside. Mine have bells, trees and stars on them. I really love yours too. The ghost is just too cute! Love the wine bottles too!

  2. I think they looked much better than ok... try words like totally fabulous, awesome, uber cool.
    Love 'em.

    Thanks for sharing the process... you've inspired me to have a go. We love candles here (and there are often fights about who will blow them out ect ect).

  3. they are charming and rustic and a real winner i think.

    thanks for letting us see the know how.


  4. That is a great thing to do with all of those recylables! I might have to try that!

  5. wow! such a simple yet brilliant idea, how about painting them on inside with shiny glitter paint, and may be even on the outer side, to give it even scary effect!

    Thanks for sharing, will implement this in my Deepavali (Diwali) Decor!

  6. Cool! They remind me of the candelarias we'd see at Christmas time in New Mexico.

  7. They look really effective - and what a great recycling idea!

  8. great idea! they'd be perfect to line the sideawalk on halloween night!

  9. I love your Halloween candle lights, they look very effective and give off a spooky glow. Thanks for the tutorial I would never have know to freeze water in them first, very clever. x


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