
Funky multi-coloured circle skirt

My girls both attend dance classes and at last terms performance, one of the costumes worn by another class included a circle skirt that we all liked, and I just had to try out for my girls!
Here's my version!

I just made a basic circle skirt in lots of coloured strips - great for using up those scraps!:

And added the requested dark pink ruffle along the bottom - also made from strips of scraps!

Turns out it's the perfect skirt for running !

Who would have thought!

I've got lots of shiny, and sparkly material in my stash which I plan to use for some funky dance outfits for the girls!


  1. Fun skirt! Love all the different colours.

  2. What a cute little skirt! So many hours of fun twirling round and round :D

  3. Loads of fun and twirling in that skirt -well done!

  4. Wow that is cute and you made it look pretty simple! Though I have an irrational fear of sewing machines, I may try it. ;)

  5. Very fun - she looks like she loves it.

  6. Looks fun - shiny and ruffles what more could a girl ask for? My daughter would love it too:) Cyndy

  7. Wow! So colourful! You can tell by the movement in the photos that she is super happy wearing it! :-)

  8. Shiny slippery fabric is so hard to sew but you've made it look like a breeze! The skirt looks great - definitely particularly good for running and twirling :)

  9. Thanks for your awesome comment on my blog :) I am definitely really excited about the new job!!!! <3

  10. So lovely! If only I had talent at sewing... lol...

    Anyway, thanks so much for commenting on "My Little Boob Man" and following my blog! I am so sorry I'm just now getting back to you -- my spam filter ate your comment, and I just saw it now! Anyway, I'm following you via GFC! I'll stop back and read more when I have more time... right now I'm trying to catch up with all the folks that I missed because their comments got lost! LOL

    Have a wonderful weekend! Smiles, Jenn

  11. A fabulous skirt that has the twirl factor!!! Great idea to make it in strips, as a circle skirt normally uses so much fabric. I'm pinning this, Jill...

  12. Hi Jill, I've featured two of your skirts today...


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