
Scrappy Friday - Day 6 of upcycling clothes challenge

Today I have a scrappy project to show you which also upcycled an item of clothing from my stash too!

I was asked to make a drawstring bag for my daughter's class at school.  This term they are studying pets, and have two pet mice in the classroom:

Have you ever tried to photograph mice? They just won't stay still!!!
 (and my camera broke last week so I'm using my phone camera - good excuse anyway!!)

Anyway, the bag is for two stuffed cuddly mice and a book and diary, which a different child will take home each week.
I didn't want to make just a plain bag - I wanted it a bit special.  Here's what I came up with:

Nice to make something not so pink for a change!
I had to give it a nice shiny gold lining!!

Here's the close up of the patchwork.  I used up lots of scraps - different fabrics and textures,

The mice fabric came from an old necktie (see - I got in my upcycling for the day!!)

What do you think??  A bit of a special drawstring bag for my daughter's class! I hope they all like it!

Have you ever upcycled neckties??
Do you have any ideas on what to do with them? I still have lots left in my box!

Thanks for stopping by - do come back again tomorrow, for my next clothes upcycle!


  1. I love it! It's really pretty, the colors go with the actual mice, plus mouse print fabric = trifecta!

    I agree, nice to avoid pink - makes it more appealing to boys and boy mice.

  2. I like the neck-tie idea. My hubby has a bunch of neck ties he doesn't wear I should start putting them to good use

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