
Day 4 clothes upcycling challenge - skirts

Today's post is all about upcycling skirts!

In my 'clothes to repurpose' box, I found these two skirts that no longer fit my daughers:
One where the elastic had stretched..
And was a few sizes too small (my girls are now 6 and 8 years old)

And this other 'gypsy' skirt that was my younger daughter's favourite skirt for years!!

She managed to wear it until she was ahout 4 years old somehow!!!

So first I cut the old stretched elastic from the plain skirt..

And attatched a new band of wider elastic, measured and cut against one of her current skirts:
I sewed the elastic into a circle, then pinned the top of the skirt to the band, folding the top of the skirt over to hide the raw edge.

Then stitched it into place, using a wide zigzag stitch, and stretching the elastic as I stitched:

So now it looked like this..

Then I just folded the top of the skirt over so the elastic was on the inside, and stitched about 1cm down the outside seam at both sides to hold it in place.

Next was to add the small 'gypsy' skirt part to the bottom!
I just cut the base of the skirt off:

and pinned it around the bottom of the plain skirt, turning the top edge over to hide the raw edge.

Then stitched it into place,and hung it up to wait for my litle model to come home from school.......

And here she is doing her best modelling poses:


  1. Love the skirt! And your model is delightful!!

  2. Thanks for the features. Your are too sweet. I have to say I love your re-purposing here. I wouldn't have thought to add the skirts together to make a longer one. What an awesome idea. I will definitely be using that one:>

  3. I love your ideas. I am your latest follower from the hop. I am on google and facebook.

  4. Thanks for following!! I'm following you back! Those are some great ideas for things to do with skirts!!!

  5. This skirt looks adorable on her. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Wow this is so cute, daughter cute too of course. Hugs lin

  7. Great way to use two cute skirts that were too small. I love it! My sewing is still in the Sewing simple stage but I am getting closer and pulling off some goodies lilke this.

  8. Thank you so much for featuring me, Jill!!

  9. I just wanted to add that I loved the skirt refashioning you did for your daughter, and what an inventive way to sew in an elastic without having to make a casing! :) I'm bookmarking this page for future reference!


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