
Scrappy Friday - Barbie and Bratz redecorate!

Taking a break from scrappy bags this week, I wanted to give another shout out to the blogging dolls who post here occasionally.  A few weeks back they did a guest post on another blog.
For anyone who missed that post- I thought I'd republish it here and welcome the dolls back 'home'
Here they are with their very own Scrappy Friday post:

"Have you ever seen so much BLUE in a girls room?  It's just not right I tell you - something needs to be done!"
"Come on Bratz - time for some more sewing"

"Ok, I've found the pink box - and look what mum's put in the scraps! I mean this is totally OUR fabric isn't it?"

"And here's more pink - my gosh mum is a bit messy isn't she?"

"A BIT? You call this heap a BIT of a mess? 
Honestly, if she actually took the time to sort through this, who knows what she might find?
Anyway, I need to iron MY fabric since it's been all crumpled and stuffed in the box. No respect....."

"There! Now let's just snip through these booties here.."
"NOOOO don't you dare - they're my favourite, you go play with your Barbie fabric and leave us to the Bratz stuff!"

"What Barbie fabric? Ohh... erm...."

"Right, I think we're ready to go onto the machine now girls."

"OK, I'm all set - push the pedal!"

"Easier said than done! Er, it's rather large and heavy..and I just painted my nails.."


"There!  all done, and not a broken nail in sight - go Barbies!"

"Hmpf!  Patchwork, smatchwork, let's get some bling happenin' ladies!"
"What's this bargain shiny stuff? Let's use it!"

"Right you are - press that pedal to the metal! Let's go girls!"

"I'm on it honey! (don't say a word Mickey - you are such a darlin,  He he he!)"

"Gimme five!  Whoo hoo! You just have to have ruffles, they're so chic!"

"Not bad girls!"

"And so much better pink than blue!"

"Time for a well earned rest I think! My these cushions are comfy!"

"And don't forget stylish girlfriend!"

By the blogging dolls
(to see any of our previous adventures, click here)



  1. Hahahaha this is so funny! Love the doll report hihi

  2. Very cute. I agree with the Barbies and the Bratz dollies that pink in a girls room is much better. Gave me a good giggle.

  3. Thank you so much for visiting Concetta's Cafe and following - I am following you now too! Your post is so so adorable and creative! Have a wonderful day and visit again soon.

  4. Hop'pin by from 'Boost my Blog Friday'. I'm following your blog now, wont you please come and follow me back?? ~KM

    Krafty Max Originals

  5. Hi Jill, this is so funny! I'm a follower. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Appreciate ur comments.

  6. :))) Lovely blog.. officially following you back ;)) Look forward to reading more of yiour creative and fun posts ;)) TY so much for stopping by.. *happy Friday ;))*

  7. This is hilarious! :) I didn't know Barbie knew how to sew. My respect for her jsut went up a notch ;)

  8. What a sense of humour! Thank you for the laugh and for this unique blog post! Love it!
    I found you via the blog hop and I'm following now
    If you get a chance to drop by my blog and like it, please feel free to follow me back

  9. Too CUTE! Love it! Thanks for being a new follower - I am your latest follower as well. :)

  10. Now that was just delightfully fun! I only wish we could've heard the "voices".

  11. Way funny! Can't wait for the next episode. Those dolls really do know how to work as a team. They are so creative with mum's scraps. Kisses, Carmen

  12. Nice photography concept. glad to have found your blog. Thanks for following Adithis Amma Sews. I am your newest follower

  13. I love this post! How funny and entertaining. Nice pillows! Thanks for linking up at Fancy Friday.


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