
Scrappy Friday - ladybugs

This week my girls had a friend sleepover here.  They were very excited about this, and I thought it would be a good excuse for me to try out a scrap project I found.

So I printed out the pattern, and cut a few scraps. The only thing I changed was what I stuffed them with. Oh and I didn't give them eyes either (mine are sleeping bugs who have their eyes shut!)
I'm not very good at throwing things out - and I mean anything!  This is my bag of scraps that are REALLY too small to make anything with - I chop them up a bit and use them for stuffing!

I love making things for my 2 daughters - they love everything I make - no matter how it turns out! It's always nice to be so appreciated!
So this time it's nice to make for their friend too!
Here's the little bugs:

Exploring the Secret Garden!

Cool way to use up those scraps! 



  1. They are so cute, and I have plenty of scraps!

  2. Hee! Another great one using your scraps as stuffing. I do love this concept, and the bugs are dang cute!


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