
Ta Da!!

For those of you who have been following us, and were wondering what the big secret thing I made was....
Here it is:
                                              A new bag for my business partner - Michelle!
(with no zips - as I am very anti-zip at the moment, as ALL of my bag zips have rusted and stuck over  this past humid wet season!!)

At our monthly market stall, we like to sit and drink tea and coffee (between sales of course!).  But a while back, Michelle's flask broke!  So I decided to get her a nice new one, then the idea kind of grew into a bag to put it in.   Since I've been playing around with old silver car windscreen shades lately, I lined it with that to help hold the shape and also provide a little insulation. (Forgot to take a picture of the inside!)
Then I filled it with some goodies. A flask, a mug with spoon, some coffee and hot chocolate sachets, and a bar of chocolate.
The night before the market stall this weekend, I dreamt that I gave her the bag, but had forgotten to fill the flask with hot water!  Aaarrgghh!!  (I have lots of weird dreams the night before our stall!)  But fortunately I remembered on the day, and I think Michelle was happy with it!!

It was nice to make something for a friend, and in a small way to say thank-you to Michelle for being such a great friend! 

Thank-you! xx


  1. You are such a sweetie Jill, thank you so much for the gorgeous bag!! It was such a nice surprise and I felt like queen for a day, with my new flask and yummy treats. The bag is fantastic and it insulates really well with the car windsreen shade inside. Here's to our friendship and a successful future for JeMbellish!!
    Michelle :-)

  2. what a good friend you are! that bag is awesome!I found you on TGC.

  3. really good, PARTICULARLY THE old silver car windscreen shades - RECYCLE!!

    So, let me ask you for some help:
    I'm actually looking for a low, square insulated bag pattern, that would allow one to bring a pie to the picnic.....
    Do you know of any good pattern??

    I've started a 'Tote Bag Mondays'- series on our blog where I'm featuring tutorials for totes and other bags.

    I'm keen to find the pattern for my own personal use, and when I got it to work, I'll feature it on the blog also...

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  4. Hi Jill! Well how nice are you? I know Michelle loved it. Wished we could've seen the inside with that silver window shade material, but the bag looked great. Nice work!


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