
Reach for the stars, they're closer than you think!

This is "The Pyramid" a mountain just under 1000m which every year people race up and down.  It started as a bet between two men in a pub 50 years ago, and has grown into an annual event and festival! 
Last year, my husband and I decided to join in the race.  Now until 3 months before the actual race, we hadn't even climbed the mountain, but it was something we wanted to do, so we set our minds to it, and completed the race (at the back of the pack, but we did finish!).
It was immensely satisfying, and we're doing it again this year, aiming to beat our time from last year.

I've told you this little story, to illustrate my thought for the day, which is that :
Our biggest limitation is our own belief.

There's another smaller hill near here, that is a very popular place to run and walk each day.  I have been trying recently to run all the way up the steps to the top.  I finally succeeded last week, on my birthday by following my daughter's birthday theory (When I'm 5 years old, I'll be able to....)
So last week I said, "Now that I'm 37 years old, I'll be able to run all the way to the top."  And I did!  I went back today, a week later, and did it again.  It seemed much easier this time somehow, just knowing that I could do it!

So it got me thinking about what else I would like to achieve and do, but there's always some excuse, or reason why I've not done it yet.  It's time to set my sights a bit higher, and believe in myself some more!

Something that reinforced this today too, was seeing my tomatoes starting to turn red!!  I've had little to no success growing tomatoes over the past few years, and this year decided that I was going to make it work!  So tried upside-down tomatoes!! 
I was determined to grow tomatoes - and LOOK!!  I'm so excited, there's not one but 2 just about ready to eat, and lots more green ones growing!!

I've also gained inspiration from my 5 year old this week, who moved up a level in her swimming lessons, and found the new class 'really tricky'.  We had tears and lots of frustration, but this past week, she faithfully 'trained' every day doing 10 laps of our swimming pool at home to build up her strength.  She did this even on the days she was tired and didn't feel like it (She's a very determined little lady!)  Anyway, yesterday was her big lesson again, and she swam the whole time, every length, every activity!!  She did it all, making me, her instructors, her sister, and most of all herself very proud!!

So, go on:

Reach for the stars!  They are closer than you think!!


p.s This post has given me an idea for a button for my blog.  I've decided I'd like to have a groovy one, like so many other wonderful blogs do, and I'm in the process of figuring out how to do it.  If anyone has any tips, hints or advice on how to make a button, I'm all ears!!


  1. Back in 1998 I was in Cairns with some mates, we drove up there in an old Granny Torana from Sydney and planned to fly out from Cairns to PNG. We were planning to walk the kokoda trail so we thought it would be a good idea to climb "The Pyramid" for some prep. We weren't really sure how to get there so we ended up bush bashing our way through a sugar cane feild before finally reaching the bottom of the mountain. Then we climbed and had an amazing time. Unfortunately though we weren't very good at looking at our watches and didn't come down in time before it got dark. So we ended up spending a night on the side of the mountain. We were very hungry!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS to your daughter! What a champ.

  2. i wish i could help with the whole blog button thing, but i am not up to snuff on this sort of thing. i believe the blog my repurposed life did a recent post on this, and i have also been searching google specifically under blogs. i find when it's a fellow blogger describing something, it's a bit more user friendly.

    you finished your house in one year? that is amazing. did you and your husband work on it full time? we are only able to work on nights and weekends, and sometimes we don't even do that. we need a break. it's funny to me, b/c this house was "move in ready" yet we have been tweaking it to make it ours for the past 3 years!

    i am so so glad you decided to follow, i truly appreciate it. thank you so much already for your kind words!

  3. Congrats on your daughters achievement. Not too many kids have perseverance nowadays. So Woot! Woot! for her!!!
    And congrats to you for doing the steps all the way to the top.
    And last but not least...for you both climbing up that mountain. Great feats and stick-to-it-tivity!!!!
    I don't know a thing about making blog buttons...sorry I can't help you out there.
    Have a great weekend

  4. Well done on the race, definitely a challenge. I think I need to set myself some small running challenges.

  5. This is such a great post. I totally agree with you that our own belief is what holds us back, or helps us succeed. This post is just what I need right now. Thanks for linking to Favorite Things Friday too!


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